FRENESI - FRENZY (Text and audio)    

Frenesi_Frenzy (Vocabulario)

Type the letter of the phrase on the right that matches the one on the left. Click the "correction" button to see if they are all right (incorrect answers will be cleared).

1. Corazón a. Dew
2. Capullos b. To go through
3. Rosas c. To invade
4. Frenesí d. To embrace, to hug
5. Alba e. Petals
6. Abrazar f. Buds
7. Acariciar g. Beams of sunlight
8. Rocio h. Heart
9. Invadir i. To caress
10. Petalos j. Dawn
11. Rayos solares k. Frenzy
12. Penetrar l. Roses